Fire Insurance
Your property is a big investment. Protection of this investment should not be a major challenge and
concern. At the Agrani Insurance Company we offer you a smart and very appropriate way to protect your investment caused by fire.

Basic cover:
- Fire
- Lightning
- Explosion(domestic)
Damage during or immediately following
- Fire caused by – smoke, scorching.
- Falling walls, water used for extinguishing.
- Theft by persons lawfully on the premises.
- Fire, blowing up building for preventing
- Spread of fire.
- This coverage can be extended to include other perils by the additional premium.
- Riot, Strike.
- Terrorism.
- Storm, Flood.
- Landslide.
- Bursting or overflowing of tanks.
Exclude Cover Due To:
- Explosion except boiler used for domestic purpose.
- Spontaneous combustion.
- Earthquake fire.
- Subterranean fire.
- Own fermentation or heating.
- Flood & Cyclone.
- Riot, Civil Commotion, War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy, Civil War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection etc.
- Radioactive Contamination.